What’s the difference between the CLT, the CLT10, and CLT3-8?

The CLT is our flagship test, designed for high school juniors and seniors preparing to apply for college. It is an alternative to the SAT and ACT. Over 280 colleges colleges accept the CLT and many offer academic scholarships to high-scoring students. Go here to learn more and register for the CLT.

The CLT10 is designed for 9th and 10th graders as an alternative to the PSAT and the ACT Aspire, and serves as preparation for the CLT or any college entrance exam. Students who take the CLT10 may be eligible for our CLT10 awards, and sophomores are eligible for the CLT10 National Award, worth $2,500. Go here to learn more and register for the CLT10.

CLT3-8 exams are designed for 3rd through 8th grade students. Our CLT3-8 exams assess language arts and mathematics with content designed to engage students’ imaginations and problem-solving skills. These standardized exams equip parents and home educators with in-depth analytics to better understand how to meet their students’ needs and maximize their potential. Students often take this test as a diagnostic or summative assessment. Go here to learn more and register for CLT3-8.




Written by:

Stephen Beck