Leading a Renewal in Education

There’s a renewal happening in American education. Here’s how we’re leading the way.

Traditional and classical methods of education are making a comeback as educators and families rediscover the intellectual heritage that has shaped our culture for the past two millennia. In addition to offering assessments that reflect this heritage, Classic Learning Test is serving as a catalyst for education renewal by contributing to the national conversation on education and culture. Join this vital conversation through our podcast, blog, publications, and more.

Anchored: A CLT Podcast

Started in 2020, Anchored has quickly become one of the most influential podcasts covering the intersection of education and culture.

Office Hours with Jeremy Tate on Anchored

Each month on the Anchored podcast, we release a special episode called “Office Hours with Jeremy Tate,” in which our CEO Jeremy Tate and VP of Partnerships Soren Schwab dive into the most recent, need-to-know news surrounding the education renewal movement.

CLT Journal

The CLT Journal features brief essays on the great authors, books, and ideas of our educational tradition. These essays are composed by CLT staff and guest contributors, including both professional scholars and our own top students.

Journey Through the Author Bank Seminars

Explore the minds of history’s most profound and influential authors in our live seminar series, Journey Through the Author BankGuided by renowned professors from colleges and universities, you’ll discover the men and women who have shaped our intellectual heritage.

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CLT in the News

The Upstart ‘Classic Learning Test’ Gets a Testy Welcome From the SAT
Real Clear Investigations, Vince Bielski (March 12, 2025)

Does Arizona really have school choice if everyone takes the same tests?
AZ Central, Adam Rasmussen (February 26, 2025)

Allen Mendenhall: Alabama needs the Classic Learning Test
1819 News, Allen Mendenhall (January 9, 2025)

‘Classical education’ thrives in DeSantis’ Florida
Politico,  Andrew Atterbury (January 4, 2025)

Education Freedom Requires Assessment Choice
American Enterprise Institute, Jeremy Tate (November 27, 2024)

The Classic Learning Test Is Good for North Carolina
The James G. Martin Center, Jeremy Tate (October 21, 2024)

Calling All Aspiring Classical Teachers
First Things, Mark Bauerlein (October 2, 2024)

Friday Feature: Classic Learning Test
Cato Institute, Colleen Hroncich (September 6, 2024)

Classic Learning Test Celebrates One Year in Florida
Press Release (September 5, 2024)

A Choice Not an Echo: Thinking Institutionally about Education Reform
American Affairs Journal, Daniel Buck (August 26, 2024)

College Board scraps question linking ‘female empowerment’ to low birth rates
The College Fix, Samantha Swenson (August 14, 2024)

The Beautification of Classical Schools
First Things, Jeremy Wayne Tate (May 20, 2024)

For true higher-ed diversity, we must break the testing monopoly
The Hill, Jennifer Frey (April 7, 2024)

Christendom Becomes First College to Offer Full-Tuition Scholarships to CLT National Award Recipients
Christendom College (March 22, 2024)

MetaMetrics Partners With Classic Learning Test to Add Lexile and Quantile Measures to New Grades 3-8 Assessments
Cision PRWeb, MetaMetrics, Inc (February 15, 2024)

The test that will spark a counterrevolution in education
Fox News, Zachary Marschall (October 12, 2023)

Florida Takes the Classic Learning Test
The Wall Street Journal, The Editorial Board (September 24, 2023)

Florida approves ‘Classic Learning Test’ for college admissions
The Hill, Tiah Shepherd (September 8, 2023)

Florida Expected to Approve Classical Exam as a Competitor to the SAT
The New York Times, Dana Goldstein (September 6, 2023)

A test to challenge the SAT
The Hill, Daniel Buck (August 22, 2023)

What Is the Classic Learning Test?
Best Colleges, Margaret Attridge (July 17, 2023)

The Non-Woke SAT Alternative is Gaining Momentum in Florida
The Florida Standard, Zac Howard, (June 30, 2023)

The CLT is a growing, classical alternative to the ACT and SAT: An interview with its co-founder
Thomas Fordham Institute, Daniel Buck, (May, 2023)

New test replacing SAT/ACT in Florida
Fox Friends First (May 10, 2023)

Putting the Learning Back into Education
CatholicVote, Jeremy Tate (February 3, 2023)

Memo to Governors: Make State University Admissions More Charter and Home-School Friendly
The Heritage Foundation, Kevin D. Roberts, Ph.D. (Nov 21, 2022)

The growing movement to restore classical education
The Washington Examiner, Jeremiah Poff (June 23, 2022)

Jeremy Wayne Tate – On How Classical Education Actually Prepares Us for “Adulting”
Independent Women’s Forum, Inez Feltscher Stepman and Jeremy Tate (January 19, 2022)

College prep test that raises the bar sees rapid growth during pandemic
The Lion, Shanxi Omoniyi (January 14, 2022)

Forming minds: CRT debate has some conservatives calling for a return to classical education
Washington Examiner, Jeremiah Poff (January 4, 2022)

How to Incentivize the Classics
National Review, Daniel Buck, (June 6, 2021)

School teaching, go home
Washington Examiner, Alexandra Hudson (June 4, 2020)

New Online ACT/SAT Alternative May Be An Answer To Coronavirus Cancellations
Independent Women’s Forum, Inez Feltscher Stepman (March 19, 2020)

College Admissions Tests Hinder Meaningful Education — But They Don’t Have To
Real Clear Education, Tyler Bonin (November 15, 2019)

The SAT and ACT Have a Classical Competitor
Wall Street Journal, Ashley Thorne (April 24, 2019)

Introducing the Classic Learning Test
First Things, Mark Bauerlein (May 14, 2018)

Student publishes comparison of ACT and Classic Learning Test
The Heartland Institute, Teresa Mull (November 15, 2017)

For Media Inquiries

If you would like to interview CLT for a story on the state of education and standardized tests, please reach out to our marketing department.

Email: marketing@cltexam.com