Supporting Educational Choice for Families
CLT is proud to partner with parental choice programs across the United States, which give families increased access to our assessments through educational savings accounts and scholarships. Below is a list of states where the CLT suite of assessments is approved as a qualifying educational expense and as an option for fulfilling accountability requirements for participating ESA students.
Approved States
CHOOSE Act | Visit Website
- Overview: Provides parents a credit that is placed into an education savings account for qualified expenses including testing fees for the CLT suite of assessments. Eligible families can receive up to $7,000 per student in an ESA.
- Accountability: All participating students receiving program funds are required to take a standardized assessment aligned to the curricula of the participating school, a nationally norm-referenced achievement assessment, or a nationally recognized aptitude assessment of the participating school’s choice. The CLT suite of assessments is approved to fulfill this requirement.
- Homeschool: Families enrolled in home education programs can receive up to $2,000 per student, with a cap of $4,000 per family. Accountability requirements apply to homeschooled students.
Empowerment Scholarship | Visit Website
- Overview: Arizona’s Empowerment Scholarship Accounts program allows families to use a portion of their public funding deposited into an account with defined, but multiple uses including testing fees for the CLT suite of assessments. State estimates project that typical ESA students will receive between $7,000 and $8,000 annually as of 2024–2025.
- Accountability: There is no testing requirement for accountability purposes.
- Homeschool: ESA recipients may use funds for home education, but the state classification for “homeschool” is a separate designation / classification. A.R.S.§15-2402(B)(5) requires that the parent of a qualified student not file an affidavit of intent to homeschool. This means that an ESA contract serves as the “affidavit” or proof that the student is receiving an education as required by Arizona law.
Education Freedom Account | Visit Website
- Overview: Provides students with up to 90% of their assigned state education funding for private school tuition or other educational expenses including testing fees for the CLT suite of assessments. Eligible families can receive up to $6864 total; $1716 quarterly in an ESA.
- Accountability: ESA students attending a private school must be administered a nationally norm-referenced test approved by the ADE (linked here) on an annual basis and provide aggregated student testing results for state reporting. The CLT suite of assessments is approved to fulfill this requirement.
- Homeschool: Homeschool students receiving EFA funds are required to take a national, norm-referenced test each year. You can find a list of ADE-approved test options here. The CLT suite of assessments is approved to fulfill this requirement.
Florida Family Empowerment Scholarship | Visit Website
- Overview: Offers universal eligibility, usage, and funding towards educational expenses including testing fees for the CLT suite of assessments. The maximum scholarship amount for each student is based upon their grade level and county of residence. In the 2023-24 school year, the average award amount was $7,950.
- Accountability: ESA students must be administered a state test or nationally norm-referenced test on an annual basis and provide aggregated student testing results for state reporting. The CLT suite of assessments is approved to fulfill this requirement.
- Homeschool: Homeschool families who want to use the ESA money are designated as operating within a “personalized education program” to differentiate from homeschoolers who do not want to use the program. Parents must ensure that a student in grades 3-10 takes a DOE approved, national, norm-referenced test or the statewide assessment. The CLT suite of assessments is approved to fulfill this requirement.
Georgia – Pending Approval
Georgia Promise Scholarship | Visit Website
- Overview: Families will have access to the state portion of funding to direct toward a customized education with an account value of $6,500.
- Accountability: All participating students are required to annually complete a nationally norm-referenced test or state-wide assessment, measuring academic progress in math and language arts. The CLT suite of assessments is approved to fulfill this requirement.
- Homeschool: Homeschool students participating in the Georgia Promise Scholarship must follow the same rules for accountability as private school students. The CLT suite of assessments is approved to fulfill this requirement.
Louisiana – Pending Approval
LA GATOR | Visit Website
- Overview: Students with a disability can receive up to $15,253, students from families at or below 250% of the federal poverty guidelines can receive $7,626, which is 80% of the MFP and all other eligible students can receive $5,243, which is 55% of the MFP
- Accountability: LA GATOR requires annual administration of either of the following to participating students: (1) Any examination in English language arts and mathematics required pursuant to the school and district accountability system at the prescribed grade level. (2) A nationally norm-referenced test or assessment approved by the state board. The CLT suite of assessments is approved to fulfill this second requirement.
- Homeschool: Homeschool students participating in the LA GATOR must follow the same rules for accountability as private school students. The CLT suite of assessments is approved to fulfill this requirement.
BOOST Scholarship Program | Visit Website
- Overview: BOOST provides families that are eligible for free or reduced-price school meal programs with funding towards tuition costs at approved non-public schools. The CLT suite of assessments is NOT an approved expense UNLESS testing is an included fee towards school tuition.
- Accountability: Participating nonpublic schools must administer a national, norm–referenced standardized assessment chosen from the list of assessments published by the U.S. Department of Education that qualifies nonpublic schools for the National Blue Ribbon Schools Program. The CLT suite of assessments is approved to fulfill this requirement.
- Homeschool: BOOST does not apply to homeschooled students.
Missouri Empowerment Scholarship | Visit Website
- Overview: Allows eligible parents to receive funding to pay for tuition at the school of their choice, as well as other educational expenses including testing fees for the CLT suite of assessments. The average Missouri Empowerment Scholarship Account (ESA) is about $6,375 per student.
- Accountability: ESA students attending private school must be administered a state test or nationally norm-referenced test on an annual basis and provide aggregated student testing results for state reporting. The CLT suite of assessments is approved to fulfill this requirement.
- Homeschool: Students participating in the MOScholar program as homeschool students must take a standardized assessment, a nationally norm-referenced achievement test, or a nationally recognized aptitude assessment. The CLT suite of assessments is approved to fulfill this requirement.
New Hampshire
Education Freedom Account | Visit Website
- Overview: The Education Freedom Account (EFA) Program allows students in low- and middle-income households to receive education savings accounts that can be used for education-related expenses including the CLT suite of assessments. The average amount of funds available per student in New Hampshire’s Education Freedom Account program is around $5,204 per student for the 2024–2025 school year.
- Accountability: The EFA law requires that all students renewing the EFA grant must submit the eligible student’s annual record of educational attainment documents in order to maintain your EFA and for the scholarship organization to continue requesting your grant from NHDOE and depositing funds into your child’s EFA. The CLT suite of assessments is approved to fulfill this requirement.
- Homeschool: Rather than the homeschool family being responsible for retaining all records, the scholarship program will be responsible for reporting receipt of the annual record of educational attainment – without any personally identifying information – to the NHDOE. The CLT suite of assessments is approved to fulfill this requirement.
North Carolina
Opportunity Scholarship Program
- Overview: Funding is provided to cover the cost of private school tuition and any additional expenses including the CLT suite of assessments. Scholarship value is determined by income with a cap of $7,400.
- Accountability: Participants must be administered a nationally norm-referenced test on an annual basis and provide aggregated student testing results for state reporting. The CLT suite of assessments is approved to fulfill this requirement.
- Homeschool: Scholarship funds cannot be used for homeschooled students.
Parental Choice Credit Act | Visit Website
- Overview: Participants are awarded a refundable income tax credit of $5,000-$7,500 to be used towards private school tuition and other related expenses including the CLT suite of assessments.
- Accountability: There are no testing requirements for participants.
- Homeschool: Families who homeschool can receive a tax credit of up to $1,000 for qualified expenses per student. Qualifying expenses for homeschoolers can include tuition and fees for private online learning courses, academic tutoring, textbooks, curriculum, and instructional material, and fees for nationally standardized tests including the CLT suite of assessments.
South Carolina
Education Credit for Exceptional Needs Students | Visit Website
- Overview: Parents of students with special needs can receive a tax credit of up to $11,000 for tuition and other qualifying expenses including the CLT suite of assessments.
- Accountability: Participants must be administered a nationally norm-referenced test on an annual basis and provide aggregated student testing results for state reporting. The CLT suite of assessments is approved to fulfill this requirement.
- Homeschool: The ECENC does not apply to homeschooled students.
Utah Fits All Scholarship | Visit Website
- Overview: Utah Fits All Scholarship Program students receive $8,000 for their educational expenses.
- Accountability: A scholarship student or the scholarship student’s parents must complete and deliver to ACE Scholarships a portfolio describing the scholarship student’s educational opportunities and achievements under the program for the given year. Alternatively, a scholarship student can complete an assessment (including the CLT suite of assessments) which will satisfy the portfolio eligibility qualification.
- Homeschool: Homeschool students participating in the Utah Fits All Scholarship must follow the same rules for accountability as private school students. The CLT suite of assessments is approved to fulfill this requirement.
West Virginia – Pending Approval
HOPE Scholarship | Visit Website
- Overview: West Virginia’s Hope Scholarship Program is an education savings account (ESA) that allows eligible parents to receive the average per-pupil state funding already set aside for their children’s education in an electronic parent-controlled fund for educational expenses. The scholarship amount is $4,921.39 for the 2024-2025 school year and is expected to be $5,267.38 for the 2025-2026 school year.
- Accountability: Students participating in the program must annually take a nationally normed standardized achievement test of academic achievement in the subject areas of reading, language, and mathematics, and when available for the student’s grade-level, science and social studies. The mean of the child’s overall test results for any single year in each tested subject must be above the fourth stanine, or if below the fourth stanine, must show improvement from the previous year’s results. The CLT suite of assessments is approved to fulfill this requirement.
- Homeschool: Homeschool students participating in the HOPE Scholarship must follow the same rules for accountability as private school students. The CLT suite of assessments is approved to fulfill this requirement.