Practice & Sample Tests

Prepare For Your Exam

At CLT, our test prep philosophy is unique. We believe an education that emphasizes reading, discussion, mathematics, and critical thinking is the best preparation for our exams.

We understand that students may feel more confident if they have some experience prior to taking an exam. For this reason, we provide official practice tests for the CLT and CLT10 as well as sample tests for CLT3-8 to help students become familiar with our exam content and format.

CLT & CLT10 Practice Tests

Available through your online account, practice tests are valuable tools to help you better prepare for the CLT or CLT10, offering detailed explanations of answers and additional analytics on your performance. Benefits of practice tests include: 

  • Online Test – Take the practice test using the same experience and content structure used for the CLT and CLT10.
  • Immediate Results – View your practice test score as well as the results for each question.
  • Answer Explanations – Review the explanation for each practice question to improve your performance.

We’ve created a page with helpful tips on how to get the most out of our practice tests.

CLT3-8 Sample Tests

We’ve created PDF samples of our exams for 3rd-8th grade to help students, parents, and teachers get familiar with the content and format. However, these sample tests are not intended for test prep.

Take a CLT Practice Test Today

To take a free practice test for the CLT or CLT10, you must log into your CLT account. Don’t have an account? Create one for free today; you need an account to take a practice exam and register for the CLT.

“The truth does not change according to our ability to stomach it emotionally.”

Flannery O’Connor

Flannery O’Connor