Administering CLT3-8 in School

What to Expect

Wondering what to expect for administering CLT3-8 exams at your school? Find answers to common questions and further details about the test administration process below.


How does the administration of CLT3-6 exams differ from the administration of CLT7 and CLT8 exams?
Are CLT3-8 norm-referenced?
What does it mean that the testing window is several weeks long?
I’ve purchased my tests. What do I do now?
What are the technical requirements for taking the online tests?
When will I get my print tests?
When will scores be released?
When can I access the administration materials?
Is there a practice test?
How do I access my test manager account?
What does “recommended timing” mean for CLT3-6? Is it a time limit?
How do testing accommodations work for CLT3-8?
How to I interpret CLT3-8 analytics?